Cryptocurrency Regulation in Dubai: Basic Rules
Cryptocurrencies have long ceased to be just a technological innovation and have become a full-fledged financial instrument. Dubai has become one of the leaders in this field thanks to clear and understandable regulation, which makes the city attractive to investors and companies.
Why Dubai Attracts Cryptocurrency Companies
Dubai is a global financial center that always strives to stay at the forefront. In recent years, the emirati authorities have made a huge step forward in the development of infrastructure for working with cryptocurrencies. […]
Часто задаваемые вопросы о капельницах для похудения
Капельницы для похудения стали популярным инструментом для тех, кто стремится сбросить лишний вес. Несмотря на это, вокруг этой темы остаётся много вопросов и мифов.
Что такое капельницы для похудения и как они работают?
Капельницы для похудения представляют собой медицинский метод доставки различных веществ в организм. Обычно это витамины, минералы, аминокислоты или другие компоненты, которые могут поддерживать метаболизм, ускорять обмен веществ или помогать организму быстрее восстанавливаться.
Идея в том, что благодаря капельницам питательные вещества быстрее усваиваются организмом, минуя пищеварительный тракт. Вещества поступают прямо в […]
What if it doesn’t work out?
Well, suppose you have already clearly understood why you should always remain beautiful and attractive, but how can you force yourself to take care of yourself if you are not used to using scrubs, visiting a nail salon or regular hair removal? To begin with, try to focus your attention on sensual pleasure: choose cosmetics with pleasant aromas, interesting textures or just beautiful jars and vials. For example, the fascinating aroma of shower gel will make trips to the bathroom […]
Body friend
Your individual self-care plan for every day should include appropriate body manipulation. The most elementary thing is a daily shower, and in the summer it is useful to wash off sweat and dirt twice a day. Be sure to use a washcloth and shower gel every time you bathe, and 1-2 in a few days you can supplement them with a scrub.
The latter remedy cleanses and tones the skin better than others, giving it velvety and silky.
Do not forget about […]
Unfortunately, not all girls
Even at a young age, can boast of perfect facial skin, but they have not yet invented a powder that would completely hide the frank unkemptness. All irregularities, pimples, enlarged pores or pigmentation are still visible under a thick layer of cosmetics, and if they can be hidden, then your face will no longer have a natural look. To get rid of future problems, it is important to cleanse, tone and moisturize the skin in advance, and do all this […]
The basics of proper care
Body care is too broad a concept, so in order to accurately understand all the nuances of this process, it is important to consider its individual components: due attention to hair, face, body, legs, arms, clothes, etc. Hair is the first rule of a well–groomed girl – no “fat head”. This means that if you need to wash your hair every other day or every day, then you should do it with such frequency that the hair is always clean.
The […]
How to always stay attractive?
Why is this necessary? Before we move on to a step-by-step discussion of all the components of the image of a well-groomed girl, let’s determine why this is so important. The truth is that many of the fair sex, their parents have not instilled attention to their appearance since childhood, which is why their personal life and self-esteem suffer in the future. But this does not mean that nothing can be fixed, the main thing is to determine for yourself […]
Replace the comb and hair bands
“The task is not to damage the hair rods when combing. I am for wooden combs that do not allow electrification, do not tear the hair shaft, they can be safely used on wet hair. We also recommend Japanese combs. When combing, they stimulate the growth of new hair by improving microcirculation in the scalp. Ritual — during washing, massage with such a comb, and get exfoliation of the scalp by mechanical means,” — Ph.D., cosmetologist, trichologist of the SACO […]
Makeup and hairstyle: 13 signs that you have recently moved to Moscow
Of course, there are exceptions to any rule, but by and large there is a gap between how girls from the province and girls living in the city look. And this is confirmed by beauty experts.
No. 1
“Of course, both in Moscow and in the provincial corners of our vast country, girls and women read the same magazines, watch the same bloggers, but at the same time it is quite easy to distinguish the distinctive features of exclusively Moscow fashion for […]
Caramel, chocolate and coffee: the most fashionable options for hair coloring in autumn 2022
We learned from professional stylists what color it is worth to repaint your hair in order to be on trend
The change of season causes an irresistible desire for external changes, and most often it concerns hair color. American psychologists confirm that a new shade of hair can make life sparkle with new colors, although perhaps nothing has changed dramatically.
Maxim Rokitsky, top stylist, creative partner of L’Oréal Professionnel Paris and art director of the BLK hairdressing salon: “Trends in coloring change […]